
    by ExactlySorta


    1. GenesisOfTheAegis on

      The Dems have been crushing it in special elections that they reclaimed full control of the statehouse in Michigan.

      Cant wait to put these dipshit bigots encouraged by Mango Mussolini to go full mask-off racist, anti-semitic, sexist, and all kinds of phobic back into their hole again this November, never to come out again.

    2. ExactlySorta on

      These people have allowed the world’s most obvious conman to mold them into the worst version of themselves. If they ever find their integrity, I hope the cumulative shame doesn’t render them more useless than they already are

    3. NumerousTaste on

      They just want an all white, all christian nation. They think that’s how it was in the past. It wasn’t, they just didn’t get to see what other parts of the country were doing like we can today. Misinformation and manipulation is playing a big part in it.

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