Bro does not deserve this lmao

    by wombo_combo12


    1. dropdeaddev on

      Depends on the couple. My brother and his wife constantly call one another a piece of shit with a smile on their face. They’re one of the happiest couples I know, second only to my own parents.

    2. AwesomePork101 on

      he looks so happy in that pic imagine him reading the description

    3. AnonymouslySerious on

      “I love my dweeb ass nigga” then I’ll log on Twitter and see countless tweets and discourse about poor dating history/being single. Folks are either purposefully disrespectful or painfully oblivious of their words or actions

    4. Aw he’s adorable. I’m gonna give her the BOTD and say she wasn’t being malicious. It can be a term of endearment if he really is a dork. It’s cute.

      To answer the question, I have a weakness for both. For different reasons. I don’t want to say a “hood” dude, but for a lack of a better term, hood dude. Just minus the stupid ignorant shit. But apparently those are necessary qualifications. A nerd though? Like a cute nerd who’s gonna keep up with me in video games but teach me more about comics? That I can debate anime with? Mm.

      Now does a mix of the two exist? A fly ass guy who is also into sneakers and the “nerdy shit” like me. We both have our own PS5s and play together and talk shit, he’s sweet but dominant and screams at 2K and CoD which is my perfect chance to…

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