The hotel I’m staying in has a dvd player and a collection of dvds you can watch.

    by Shoelesshobos


    1. I think every one of these DVD binders just spontaneously spawned a copy of A Knight’s Tale after a while.

    2. jbFanClubPresident on

      On one hand I’m thinking “this must be a cheap af hotel if this is their entertainment”. On the other hand I’m thinking “if this was a cheap hotel, all those would be stolen.” Really could go either way.

    3. AccountPretty4576 on

      I stayed at a hotel in a mountain town with terrible service. They has a massive catalog of dvds and blurays. It was like being in an old blockbuster

    4. Once stayed in a cabin in Colorado.

      I shit you not it was 2017 and we had VHS to watch in a dead signal area.

    5. This makes me miss my old CD collection. A binder like this (but 4×4) with over 200 CDs that was stolen out of my car probably three or four years ago now. I spent the better part of 20 years building that collection. I hope someone’s listening to them somewhere.

    6. I have a similar collection of DVDs that I probably haven’t watched since 2003 that I am also holding onto for some unknown reason

    7. That’s a win right there! I absolutely love A Knights Tale, perfect film to put on and cuddle up on the sofa to!

    8. Anyone know the legality of this?

      Obviously the FBI aren’t gonna kick down the door for this, but is it technically legal to offer this?

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