Sunscreen and small dogs added to the “woke” list I guess

    by Aneriox


    1. SoylentGrunt on

      I’d like to go to the MoMA someday. Also, the Smithsonian.

      Do I know about art? No, but I know what I like.


    2. theykilledken on

      Sunscreen is literally lifesaving in places like Australia. UV is no joke, neither is skin cancer. Wear sunscreen, kids, it might save your life. It’s a real shame this has become part of ideological culture wars.

    3. Yes, how dare they wish happy holidays! These damn wokes, ruining our country!

    4. HungryPanda0 on

      Oh yes don’t say Happy Holidays instead just salute and shout Heil Trump while riding your horse sized dog (because having a dog smaller than yourself is gay) to the hospital to treat your skin cancer.

    5. Plushcollectorwolf64 on

      I’m a 3 on the woke scale. Still I do think America is a tad racist

    6. Guess I’m not “woke”, whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean these days.

    7. ITeechYoKidsArt on

      The list of shit they’re scared of just keeps getting longer and longer.

    8. PixelsGoBoom on

      Guess we can add them to the list.

      “All the things I don’t like are: Communist/Socialist/Liberal/Democrat/Atheist/Woke”
      (Because I do not understand WTF any of these words actually mean but OANN told me they are bad)

    9. hopseankins on

      I’m only 50% woke. Guess I gotta get a small dog, and some bugs for dinner.

    10. everythingbeeps on

      “Woke” now means literally everything *except* what it actually means.

    11. Bugs are gross and I really try to limit my meat intake – I’m onboard with everything else. But I’m a guy with two cats instead of a small dog. That has to make me super-unwoke…right? /s

    12. RaymondBeaumont on

      it’s amazing that there is an actual group that is trying to get right wingers to kill themselves by not getting vaccinated, by not using sunscreen, not using masks during outbreaks, drinking avian flu, taking harmful medicine they don’t need, etc.

      and the right wingers are just “yes, we will follow you, baaaaa”

    13. Justdoingthebestican on

      Well eating bugs pretty much makes you not a vegetarian so does that cancel the woke out?

    14. SailingSpark on

      I got 7 out of 10.

      1. Not an Atheist, I am a buddhist (might be worse in their eyes)
      2. Vegetarian, I have crohn’s, I can’t eat only veggies
      3. NY times, Too expensive and right wing for me.

    15. Only real Americans get skin cancer (provided you never served in the military because we know everyone honored on Memorial Day weekend was a loser).

    16. LordVolcanon on

      “Believe” in climate change? He must mean not gargling the balls big oil.

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