8 year old coal miner smoking a pipe in Utah – USA, early 1900’s.

    by -11H17NO3-


    1. YellowOnline on

      While 8 year old coal miners were (and in some countries, are) a thing, I’m pretty sure the pipe and (obviously) the pickaxe were given for lulz when taking the picture.

    2. HugoZHackenbush2 on

      Child labor in the coal industry wasn’t a widespread problem back in the 1900’s

      In reality, it was more a minor minor miner issue..

    3. SallyAmazeballs on

      That’s an older toddler and he’s playing dress-up for a novelty photo. He’s still got baby hair and pudgy baby hands. The shoes he’s wearing are also the kind that babies and toddlers wore. If he was eight, he’d have something with a heavier sole, which would also be true if he was actually a coal miner.

    4. whydoIhurtmore on

      These are the good old days that Republicans ate fighting tooth and nail to return us too. Don’t let them. Vote in every election and vote for the Democratic candidate.

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