From 1939 issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine

    by Frankie2059


    1. 80sforeverr on

      Or the problem simply is she doesn’t wear deodorant.

      Washing her clothes won’t help in that case

    2. Accomplished_Bank103 on

      Look at those two brazen hussies in the striped dresses showing off their armpits! Disgraceful.

    3. You’d think an adult woman would be aware enough to give her dirty drawers a scrub.

    4. JustSomeDudeNamedRik on

      Instead of showers and clean underwear. In the 90s it was Axe spray for men. In the 2020s it’s full body deodorant now. For when your crotch is rotten, perfume it up!

    5. Haskap_2010 on

      Wait, there were people who *didn’t* put on clean underwear every day?
      I guess that was the start of those “day of the week” sets of briefs that used to be in the Christmas catalogues.
      *”Merry Christmas darling! Here is a set of panties labeled Sunday through Saturday and I am totally not hinting that you should change your underpants more often.”*

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