This is so sad. I do believe he needs mental treatment. But i also dont think his wife and kids are safe around him either

    His wife needs therapy!

    by anonymousthrwaway


    1. Grindlebone on

      I thought this headline was saying Doctor Who’s wife drove off a cliff because he was going to prison. Confusion ensued.

    2. No, it’s the society you live in that needs therapy. You can’t punish mental illness away and by him living in a prison you are punishing his family too.

    3. anonymousthrwaway on


      I can’t edit the post.

      The title isn’t clear that….


      He is being charged with attempted murder

      Even if it was a psychotic break- (which none of us can be sure) he should not be around his kids and wife unsupervisdx

    4. Ijustlovevideogames on

      Incredibly misleading headline on this one, dude is legit mentally unwell and had paranoia to a point where he thought he was saving his family by doing this, she is asking to spare him because she knows it as well, and before this episode and decline, he showed no signs of being anything but a devoted husband and father.

    5. International-Wash19 on

      He is a doctor. She needs his income in their lives. That mortgage, events for the kids, groceries, utilities, and car payments don’t pay themselves.

    6. ItchyLife7044 on

      Guys, is it bad that it took me multiple readings of it to stop asking, “Which Doctor Who?”

      And I don’t even like the show?

    7. NotAnAIOrAmI on

      So? All he has to do to reassure his family on car trips is to call shotgun.

    8. She is probably getting tons of pressure from her family and in-laws. India/Hindi culture really treats women poorly.

    9. spaceylaceygirl on

      She needs him to try again? Also i don’t want a physician who tried to kill his wife and children, even if it was a psychotic break. Who will be monitoring him?

    10. CATSCRATCHpandemic on

      That’s capitalism in cause. We should all clap for such a demise. Good for it.

    11. Complex_Arrival7968 on

      Thing is, in the States even if you are completely crazy, and medication and treatment can reverse the condition, you are treated as a criminal. There’s a belief that, unless you are so fucked up you can’t get dressed by yourself, you’re faking it.

    12. I didn’t even know the Doctor got married! Which one? Fourth, tenth, eleventh…?

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