Aviation History Museum: Virginia Beach, Virginia.

    by nuisance66


    1. Murky_Potential7913 on

      Ah, the good ol’ interrupter gear system from the 1920s! It was designed to prevent those trigger-happy pilots from shooting up their plane’s propeller blades.

    2. nuisance66 on

      The museum is rad. They have a bunch of operational aircraft they’ve restored and fly around the area.

    3. TravelingGonad on

      That is the cruded demo I’ve ever seen of that lol! I saw the real ones at the USAF museum (Dayton, OH).

    4. MaxSupernova on

      Earlier versions were simply a metal v shaped wedge right on the rear of the propeller itself, so if a bullet did strike the propeller it was deflected to the side.

    5. Cristoff13 on

      These were actually “triggering” rather than “interrupting” systems. The machine gun was set to semi-automatic, and would fire when the propellor blades were in a safe position.

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