No he isn’t

    by Lord_Answer_me_Why


    1. His being black opened the Pandora’s box of white people’s fear-based racism, but he didn’t build it

    2. Left-Incident620 on

      Literally the best president they’ve ever had – just wish he’d had the senate majority and it would have made a huge difference to what America has now become.

    3. hinanska0211 on

      He’s definitely not responsible, but it’s true that his presidency had the unintended consequence of opening the door for racists to spew their bigotry and hate while calling it “politics.” It allowed someone like Sarah Palin to descend to an unprecedented level of incivility that would have damaged her politically had her target been white.

    4. I mean, in a way, kinda. But only by being a successful black man, that triggered all of the racists into showing us what pieces of shit they really are.

    5. NewEstablishment9028 on

      This is where the crazy right wing has come from. Obama was voted in and they collectively lost their shit.

    6. SpicyChanged on

      The last school to desegregate was in 2016.

      Carolyn Bryant Donham lived until 88 and died in 2023. With an arrest warrant that was NEVER executed.

      Yeah Obama was the problem. Fucking Bright People.

    7. yetagainitry on

      This is the racism equivalent to saying a woman was asking for rape based on how she was dressed. Because you react to a black president by being extra racist, it isn’t the black persons fault.

    8. The_Second_Judge on

      …and the former president (Donald Trump) asked if he (Barrack Obama) was born in africa because he looked like a monkey.

    9. Whenever I’ve asked a Republican why they hate Obama they’ve always brought up already debunked conspiracy theories (like the dumb born in Kenya thing). It really is just racism and stupidity.

    10. He had the AUDACITY to run for and win the presidency.

      Then racists had the understandable reaction of being upset that a black man was running the country!

      Thanks Obama! (/s)

    11. yes because the uppity N@@@@r had the audacity to twice beat rich old white men for the presidency.

    12. Proper-Cause-4153 on

      I’ve seen screenshots from that Gunther Eagleman account posted around here before. He’s a vile piece of shit.

    13. “It’s not my fault I’m a racist! It’s Black peoples’ fault!”

      -Every racist ever

    14. Tantra_Charbelcher on

      “Barack Obama is the reason why I’m no longer confident in my racial superiority”

    15. If Hillary won, 4 years later headlines: “Hillary is the reason there is so much misogyny in the world”

    16. No no no, the conservatives are probably correct on this one.

      They were very happy to be racist in subtle, quiet ways until we elected a black president.

      After that, they realized that their passivity was leading to the death of the doctrine in slow baby steps across generations, so they decided to crank the racism and bigotry up to 11.

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