What’s that border wall REALLY for? We know.

    by Stuck_in_a_depo


    1. WaluigiIsTheRealHero on

      I mean, the border wall isn’t actually effective for anything. It’s just a stupid, expensive project to pander to the racism and xenophobia of the right.

    2. Simple-Concern277 on

      Yeah I don’t think so. Not too many Americans are really itching to move to Mexico. Not that I don’t think Mexico is a cool country. 

    3. Most people who are illegally in the USA overstay after entering legally not being trafficked across the Rio Grand…Money would be better invested in streamling legal immigration and improving methods to prevent visa overstays

    4. FlavoredTaters on

      Whenever I think about escaping to Juarez so that I can finally live my life of prosperity and luxury

      I think about that damn wall and realize its useless even trying

    5. MikeJones-8004 on

      I mean it’s not really a wall to keep us in. Considering you can literally just fly out of the country.

    6. bryanna_leigh on

      They the Republicans use this issue every DAMN ELECTION YEAR!!! And it is much to do about nothing! The Election will end, and we won’t be talking about the border for 3 years, until the next election cycle is upon us.

    7. oasis_sunset on

      Just came back from Tijuana and the a lot of Africans and Haitians on the border was shocking to me .. I’m wondering how they make it there

    8. HagbardCelineHere on

      So uh, do y’all think that most Americans who emigrate do so by walking across the Mexican border?

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