Lauren Boebert: The church is supposed to direct government, not the opposite.

    by Intellectualist_


    1. I like how they speak of “The church” as if it is a monolithic entity and not something like 45000 different denominations of Christianity alone.

      You know what they really mean is “My church”.

    2. Adventurous_Feed9942 on

      “The church, lead by a giant entity in the sky, is supposed to guide government. It’s just a coincidence that some people *cough cough Speaker Mike Johnson cough cough* claim to hear orders literally from the big daddy itself.”

      Awfully convenient, and the perfect way to start a slaughter while saying that god wills it, crusades style.

    3. Successful_Ad9071 on

      Is that her husband or the guy she was giving a hand job to during Beetlejuice on the cover of that piece of trash “book”?

    4. Ok, so Atwood beats out Orwell and Huxley . . (although Heinlein of all people had a similar dystopia)

    5. Comfortable_Rain_744 on

      I’m sure the church has some thoughts on giving handies in a full theater too.

    6. DeathmasterFawzy on

      No. Get these christofascist scum out of the government. Fuck their anti-democracy dreams of a christofascist dictatorship and fuck their hatred of the American people

    7. Klutzy-Ad-6705 on

      Yet none of this is in the Constitution.Bible isn’t even mentioned once,along with Christianity,God,Jesus etc.

    8. Admirable-Influence5 on

      She’s wrong even from a biblical perspective. “Jesus famously called his followers to ‘render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.’ It’s basically a big shrug regarding political movements. Ruling authorities exist, but they are not the important thing in Jesus’ mind.”

      Ryan MacDiarmid, July 11, 2019.

      Once again, American Conservatism is just making up a scenario, being upset about it, and then getting other conservatives to be upset about it.

    9. danbearpig2020 on

      Which church? Exactly which denomination should be in charge? There are over 200 christian denominations in the US alone. This is why a secular government is the ONLY way to go. Because none of these idiots can decide which rules please their invisible, genocidal, sky daddy. Fuck this stupid bitch.

    10. Ah yes, Lauren Boebert who failed the GED several times wrote a book. Please, oh fountain of wisdom, please educate us. 🙄

    11. I wish we could just split the country and let these fucking people have their gilead. I know it’s an unpopular opinion but I live in the south and fuck man…it’s getting old.

    12. BanMeHarderBae on

      Im not her religion and i think most people dont want evangelical christian fascism.

      See texas and the abortion fiasco right now

    13. Which church : Catholic Church, Baptist, Lutheran, Anglican, Unitarian, Non-Denominational, Mormon, 7th Day Adventist, Jewish, Orthodix, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Satanic, Voodoo, Animist, etc. ?

      What spiritial rules is the United States government supposed to adhere to ?

      Is it location specific ? Utah follows Mormon rules, parts of Michigan adhere to Muslim rules, Minnesota follows Lutheran rules ?

    14. We have literally… THOUSANDS of years of examples… showing why mixing politics and religion is a BAD idea.

      Our first immigrants to America came here specifically to ESCAPE places where politics and religion were comingled to the extent that the government was harrassing citizens based on their religious viewpoints.

      WHY are we thinking this is any kind of a good idea to go BACK to that?!?

    15. Oh, i guess that whole “Separation of church and state” bizz was just a fever dream i had then.

      Why is this not being dealt with as the horrific breach of political misconduct that it is?

    16. It says to obey government.

      Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s. Sounds a lot like separation of church and state.

      Also Romans 13:1 All of you must obey the government rulers. Everyone who rules was given the power to rule by God. And all those who rule now were given that power by God.

    17. This fucking woman has no idea what our history is and why this country was founded as a secular state that provides freedom to celebrate religion but never codify it into the Constitution or our government. We left England because the church of England was toxic and deadly. Even during the framing of our country, the southern states wanted to make America a Christian nation, but our founding fathers push back and said no.

    18. I dont think she’s qualified to give religious advice

      Unless she washes her hands and gargles her mouth with holy water

    19. FederalWorld5482 on

      Orange Jesus was prophesied in the book of LauBoe, chapter 1 verse 1, and it came that the great orange traitor became the great salvation, and all those who know him will surely know that “Mountain Dew”, Hate and Meth is the great brain and virtue sustaining nectar of his disciples..

      Verse 2. So when he sits on the shoulders of government, and all those who called him a traitor and fraud will be swiftly, prosecuted and ex.verminated in the most small handed Orange way possible.

    20. thewormthatneverdies on

      “The Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion”—John Adams

      Leader of the revolution,
      2nd president,
      Founding father,

    21. Not only does the 1st amendment prohibit this, but also the 1797 Treaty of Tripoli, specifically article 11, signed by founding father president John Adams and ratified by the US senate, states that the US was NOT founded in Christianity.

    22. Which God? Which religion? Which denomination? Which church? Have you ever checked how many places of worship are in your community? Ever notice duplicates of the same denomination? There are 4 Assembly of God churches in my community. You want to know why? None of them agree on their interpretation of scripture. Now, if you can’t get the same denomination that has a specific doctrine to agree, how are you ever going to get those of different faiths to agree?

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