This would immediately lead to the most bloody civil war in history

    by JudiciousSubsidy


    1. Minimum_Compote_3116 on

      Many different languages, culture and even religion in there… but many see Islam as a political ideology and she’s clearly one of them

    2. Magister_Hego_Damask on

      the only question is wether the first civil war would be africa vs middle east vs indonesia, or sunni vs chia?

    3. Some Arab countries tried to pull it off in the mid 20th century and it was a disaster immediately.

    4. coolcoinsdotcom on

      This is just stupid. And it would only lead to civil war if such a country could be formed in the first place, which it can’t.

    5. Device_whisperer on

      You know, religion really sucks when you consider that it’s responsible for at least 50% of the madness in the world.

    6. Funny that she included Israel as part of the Islamic Empire. Guess that the Israeli get From-The-River’d in this fantasy.

    7. Low-Speaker-2557 on

      This is basically like saying all christian nations should form a confederacy. I bet the Protestants, catholics, baptists, and many other sub-religions would approve.
      Also, the fact that a religious state isn’t a good idea in the first place. You know, the separation of state and religion.

    8. Surely Mecca should be the capital? Also isn’t this just an expanded version of the attempt at a unified socialist Arab state?

    9. EvdokimVassiliev on

      Muslims acting like they are part of a global community while at the same time spending the last 1400 years murdering each other over minor variations in interpretation is so fucking weird.

    10. You can’t even get Saudi Arabia and Iran to like each other. How are you gonna get that many nations together?

    11. Chief_Christmas on

      “We all Muslims” while also refusing to wear a hijab and knowing nothing about the history of the religion.


      Also, if you read letters from Osama bin Laden, this was his goal as well. He wanted to establish a caliphate.

    12. original-sithon on

      Yeah, I’m sure you can get the Saudis and Syria to agree to that. /s Seriously, you could actually do something like the EU. Share a currency, agree on manufacturing standards, have mutual defense agreements like Nato. It would make them a global power block, and with nuclear nations like Pakistan they can stand off aggressors, like the United States or China.

    13. Now_Wait-4-Last_Year on

      They tried that with the United Arab Republic which had far fewer countries involved. Didn’t work out, probably because there were so many differences between the two major component nations of just Egypt and Syria. Try and put all these countries together and the problems would just multiply by huge factors.

    14. Muslims can’t even handle a tiny Jewish country being their neighbor. How are they gonna make a mega Islamic state work?

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