This all champagne vending machine

    by isellJetparts


    1. I’ll just stick with whatever alcohol is left over on the room service trays in the hall.

    2. Imagine paying a server for the privilege of getting yourself a champagne bottle out of a vending machine.

      That’s almost as bad as some steak places charging you extra to cook your own steak.

    3. GhostofGrimalkin on

      So you have to buy a token from a server to operate it? Why not just buy the campagne from the server and cut out the extra step?

    4. haveyouseencyan on

      Lazy person who arranged those bottles. Trust me, Moët would want their $20,000 vending machine looking perfect, which means all the bottles neatly arranged in the same way.

    5. Select from the bottom row if you wish to drink. Select from the top row if you have a sports championship to commemorate.

    6. Assuming these are 187ml (single bottles not the 375ml half bottles) and they’re asking $28 each? A bit pricey but beautiful to look at nonetheless

    7. It’s only a real champagne vending machine if it came from the Champagne Vending Machine region of France.

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