In Singapore, senior citizens and people with disabilities can tap a card to get extra time crossing the street

    by youronlydoubt


    1. The_Celestrial on

      When this was first implemented, I joked that those who aren’t senior citizens and still tap their card anyways gets their timing deducted.

    2. That’s actually really wholesome. I’m from a more rural area so I almost never see anyone use crosswalks. A startling amount of people just walk across the road when it’s already dark outside anyway even if there is crosswalk 20 feet away from them.

    3. We need that in my country tbh, I see a ton of people with walkers or wheelchairs getting cars sitting there waiting for them to get off the road.

    4. Most European countries also seem to have a separate button for senior citizens and disabled. I think it just makes it go green faster. It’s honor based though.

      Source: one holiday in Europe which makes me an expert

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