Localization was better in the 90s and 2000s than it is now

    by Available_Reason7795


    1. Its sucks when the translation is “blunt”.

      Kinda feels dead inside when I understand what they say but the translation looks like a neanderthal talking.

      Idk if people would get this

    2. Not true. I’ve said this before but for every good dub there were like 9 or 10 low effort dubs rushed out for a quick buck. Bad dubs still exist today but those series typically aren’t very popular and have less funding for dubs.

    3. RumiaAteMyBalls on

      Specially those translators who purposefully change the meaning of a sentence for any kind of petty personal opinion on the topic.

    4. A_Hatless_Casual on

      All I think anyone wants is for the localization to focus more on more direct translations and no personal views/politics of said localizers.

    5. Stupiditygoesbrrr on

      Bruh, I think that’s the nostalgia talking. If most of the 90s and early 00s subtitles and dub were here today, it would’ve been panned.

      Except for Ghost Stories. That dub is timelessly legendary.

    6. absolutely not.

      Funimation’s dub of dragonball z ruined so many parts of the story. I will never under stand how the English dub has a waiter saying “I wanna die” when the Japanese audio is the waiter giving a fucking SIGH.

      even funimation’s subtitles are trash and due to the merger is starting to effect Crunchy.

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