The Sergeant Schultz defense

    by Shamajo


    1. PerdiMeuHeadphone on

      It’s kinda of funny when you think about how absurdly stupid this whole family is and how they got the richest country in the world by the ballsack.hell they still kind of got a hold of at least one ball.

    2. trailhikingArk on

      They always want it both ways. Rules for thee, but none for me and they just ignore their own hypocrisy.

    3. It appears they’re trying for the “too stupid to be guilty” defense.

      Bold move, Cotton.

    4. Can’t have it both ways.

      I still think they should have to pay back taxes on the values they said they were worth.

    5. Affectionate_Fly1413 on

      It’s fucking insane how people can see this play on and think… “nope, they are innocent, god sent and I don’t believe what my eyes and ears are telling me… WITCH HUNT!”

      It’s a cult!

    6. Dolorem_Ipsum_ on

      They really think they’re being clever.

      Homeboy’s in for a RUDE awakening, and I’m so ready for it.

    7. amethystalien6 on

      I’m honestly impressed that for as stupid as he is, he was still able to pretend to be stupid in a different way.

    8. It’s the “impossible to pin down” defense. At the end they will have admitted to nothing, the evidence will point that there was malfeasance, but nothing near a smoking gun, and so when they’re found guilty, the penalty will be minor and their followers will be told they were all victims of a corrupt court system. And they have enough resources to let that play out.

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