They can’t even move voters to their party, but sure, they “move culture” 💀

    by nomadiceater


    1. shotputlover on

      Imagine being so stupid you haven’t noticed Trump saying he will do something means less than nothing.

    2. If she means “moves” like in how a bowel “moves” the, yes, libertarians “move” culture.

    3. Old-Length1272 on

      They definitely encourage culture to lean more to the democrat side 😉 they aren’t wrong. Because of disgusting “libertarians” aka republicans cosplaying democrats to get the sway votes to vote republican. Not a coincidence they all end up being exposed being far right. How are Trump and Kennedy “libertarians”? They seem to only find far right “libertarian” candidates.

    4. Libertarians move only their bigoted views to assert control over the weakest of our society.

    5. For your amusement… the best description of Libertarian I’ve seen? Is that they’re like house cats. Totally convinced they don’t need humans… but wholly dependent on humans for everything they have.

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